Acceso socios
GEOSTAT 2016 Summer School
The GEOSTAT 2016 Summer School for PhD students and R-sig-geo enthusiasts will be held this year at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain in the period 17-24 September (arrive Sunday to depart Sunday).
The topics include: spatial and spatio-temporal data and analysis in R, spatial and spatio-temporal geostatistics, processing large rasters using the raster package, CartoDB and gvSIG software tutorials, visualization of spatial and spatio-temporal data in Google Earth.
This summer school is limited to 55 participants. Selection of candidates is based on a ranking system, which is based on: time of registration, solidarity (participants further away from the venue receive higher ranking), academic record, and contributions to open source projects.
Registration deadline: March 1st 2016.
Further information: GEOSTAT-2016